
This month, we're returning $32 MILLION to our customers in patronage dividends! 自2001年以来,这一数字已超过4.65亿美元. 






十年前, 弗吉尼亚农业信贷 (FCV) began the journey to fill a need within our footprint: education and connection for those involved in or interested in agriculture. The Farm Credit 知识中心 was developed with the mission to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and resources for the betterment of all farmers and those interested in agriculture. 自从十年前我们的教育部门成立以来, 资源和伙伴关系的开发大大增加. The 知识中心 team is comprised of four members who focus on young, 初创者和小农, 兼职及全职农民, 青年和教育工作者, 以及普通消费者.

Over the past several years, the depth of the resources and curriculum has expanded and enhanced. 最初, Farm Credit 知识中心 programming was limited to in-person events and seminars; however, 该计划已经发展到包括数字和印刷资源, 在线研讨会, 博客内容和更多.


知识中心主任, Kyley Clevenger, 所述, “Our team believes in bringing farmers and those interested in agriculture around a table and equipping them with tools and resources to enhance their farming operations and agribusinesses. 聚集是一种力量.” 

The value of having the opportunity to create an experience for farmers to gather in one place, 学习在遇到障碍时使用的解决方案和工具, 能够和其他农民一起做这件事是无价的. 不管商品是什么, 操作的位置或大小, the agriculture industry is fueled by opportunities to engage and network with others face-to-face.

In-person offerings occur throughout the year in various locations throughout the Association’s footprint, focusing on topics ranging from business planning and financial literacy to succession planning and risk management. “如果有需求,我们的团队会努力满足需求. We also believe in the power of partnerships; we want to provide a connection to experts within the field or topic area,克莱文杰说.


As with evolving technology that farmers adopt to support and advance their operations, the programming of the 知识中心 has evolved to meet the changing needs of their audience in a digital world. 农业是全天候的, 而且要在一天内“做完”所有的事情是很有挑战性的, which challenged the team to build the online component of 知识中心 programming. 商业和金融知识, 以及特定于生产的资源, 是否对行业内的所有运营商都至关重要. The From the Ground Up: Agricultural Business Toolkit and the AgHub were developed with the time constraints and diverse needs of the audience in mind. 课程和课程可以方便地访问, whether from a tractor seat or around the dinner table after the animals and kids are fed. 

从头开始:农业企业工具包 访问AgHub

Today, the content and materials available online continue to evolve and expand. Online audiences will find advocacy tips, farm safety, marketing and more. The 知识中心’s online portals contain education in multiple formats to meet users’ needs, 无论是通过录制的网络研讨会, 提示表, 博客或信息图表. The key to education is creating a space that allows the audience to learn in the best manner suited to their preferences, 这就是知识中心努力创造的.


The agriculture industry and society as a whole are increasingly connected through social media. 正因为如此, the 知识中心 has developed and maintains a strong presence on several platforms, 包括脸谱网 和Pinterest, 主要是. 社交媒体使团队能够轻松地共享资源, 在燃料电池汽车足迹及其他领域倡导农业, 与利益相关者建立联系, 行业合作伙伴, 农民和消费者. 

关注脸谱网 关注Pinterest

2023年,知识中心将庆祝成立10周年. The team has provided over 400 educational engagements across the 弗吉尼亚农业信贷’ footprint, 达到10个以上,在社交媒体平台上有5000名粉丝, and engaged with thousands both face-to-face and digitally across the country and even overseas. 

知识中心团队仍然致力于实现其使命, working in close partnership internally with members of the FCV team across all departments. All are committed to recognizing ‘pain points’ faced by member-owners and working to identify solutions through education, 资源或连接. “We are fortunate to have an extremely supportive team that values continued education and being a resource for those that we serve. This partnership within the Association is what makes the educational arm work,克莱文杰说.

“知识中心是一个四人团队, 但这是一个社区, and we are so thankful for the invaluable partnerships and relationships that allow us to be a part of the education and growth of the agriculture industry. I would be remiss not to share about the power of a team who is dedicated to meet the needs of our audience. The team is devoted to and passionate about being a resource for the agriculture community. 他们竭尽全力确保需求得到满足, 而且资源还在不断发展,克莱文杰分享道. 

“There is great joy in being a part of a farmer’s success story through watching dreams come true, 看到新一代的人回到家庭农场, helping to improve a farm’s financial well-being through educational resources and making lasting connections with those who have walked before us. Agriculture is a supportive community that expands well beyond your next-door neighbor. The 知识中心 team is thankful for the past ten years and everyone who has supported our journey. We are excited for the next decade as we will have exciting opportunities and partnerships, 这一切都是为了改善我们农民的生活,她总结道.

To stay up-to-date with happenings and educational offerings within the 知识中心, 注册一份或两份他们的电子通讯, 定期部署. 通过这些通讯, 你会收到教育计划的通知, 博客文章, 合作伙伴活动, 信息图, 商品定价等.



这篇专题文章发表在2023年12月的《十博官网手机版官网下载》杂志上. 获取完整杂志(电子版) 在这里.
